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  • Writer's pictureRubi Olguin

Project 1 Argumentative essay

An essay on the best solution to a Zombie epidemic.

Rubi Olguin

Professor Hammett

ENGL Composition II

16 October 2023

Project 1 Proposal

Word Count: 1179

How To Solve An Undead Epidemic

A desolate city, abandoned cars, vandalized storefronts, and a lone newspaper flying in the wind with the headline “Zombies”! Some fans anticipate a real-life zombie epidemic even though zombies have been ever-present on our screens. If a zombie apocalypse were to happen, the calculations are that after the first one hundred days, the zombies would outnumber humans a million to one (Wollaston- Webber). Zombies featured in films, books, or video games are characterized. as uncoordinated decaying corpses with heightened senses of smell and hearing on rare occasions; they could have the abilities of speed and strength (Eldridge). Although a zombie apocalypse would be a devasting event, calling for the re-establishment of humanity, the resolution, proven by absolute science, focuses on preparedness and patience.

An undead epidemic would cause a massive outbreak of an unidentified virus that would affect humans by having them act abnormally aggressive, with a new hunger for human flesh. The government would have to be involved and enact drastic and forceful measures to stop the spread of zombies. The reanimated corpses would still go through the process of decomposition. In their case, the process would be quicker. “Assuming that fresh stage decay takes two weeks to complete, it’s likely that by five weeks after an outbreak, there would be virtually no more Zombies anywhere” (Boyd 2011). The first step in ridding the world of the undead would be to find a safe place to isolate yourself from others.

Being wary of people outside your immediate close circle is smart in avoiding face-to-face confrontation with the contagious virus. Densely populated locations will probably fall into complete disarray in days. The inhabitants within highly populated cities will be the prominent carriers of the virus, spreading quickly among individuals and spreading to other towns. If people abruptly cut off the virus's food source and its means to disperse zombieism, the virus will no longer steadily increase the rates of the infected. Once the rates of the infected start to dwindle and hordes of zombies no longer fill the streets, it will become easier to navigate the outside world (Madhav). Quarantining is not the only advice research has delivered. Some experts argue to prioritize foraging to gather safe food to eat (Smith). Knowing the local plants and wildlife is a valuable skill. But the first step, after being made aware of the epidemic, is limiting contact with others and staying in a safe location as long as possible. Making the outside world less dangerous begins with reducing the rate of the affected. Hence, it is significant to sequester oneself immediately and for an extended period.

After confining yourself in a safe location, harnessing and perfecting particular survival skills is the next step in eradicating the epidemic. Communities can be rebuilt if most survivors endure outside the cities' comfort. The list of skills selected by National Geographic coincides with the talents needed to be an expert camper and outdoors enthusiast. Training for this pandemic comprises learning how to build a safe and efficient fire for warmth and a way to cook any game caught, recognizing poisonous plants, yielding clean drinking water, endurance with rough terrain, and a fine sense of direction (Smith). Survival skills are applicable in different aspects of life, not just living through a zombie apocalypse. The Coastal Survival School recognizes the significance of having the talent of being self-sufficient, “Being aware of the abundance of natural resources and how to use them instills humble confidence in venturing out away from the comforts of civilization and enjoying the peace and solitude in nature. Practicing those skills will embed the knowledge you need to call upon….” (Why are Survival Skills important). Some more pessimistic zombie researchers dispute that no amount of outdoor training can prepare an individual for the chaotic state of society during a zombie apocalypse, citing poor luck as one of the primary causes of death. But knowing how to not rely on modern amenities and living off the grid has been proven to exponentially increase the chances of survival.

Epidemiologists, scientists who study infectious diseases and other viral threats to public health, agree that locating the initial source of the virus is critical in solving the emergency. The specialists rely on figuring out where the first case occurred, how fast it happened, and how the infection was transmitted (Verran & Crossley). This solution is often overlooked in popular zombie media, not focusing on how science and scientific methods can be a tremendous asset, “The original source of the zombie outbreak is rarely a concern in horror films, whereas epidemiologists spend a lot of time using analysis and models to track back to the first case(s) of disease….. “Armed with an understanding of the transmission method, we can consider how fast the disease could move through a population” (1). Some zombie enthusiasts overlook this step and focus solely on expertly slaying a zombie using mundane items and deadly weapons. Ignoring this beneficial strategy, which has been verified to eradicate other widespread infections, and solely focusing on violence will cause the time spent in the apocalypse to be considerably lengthier.

While a zombie apocalypse scenario may seem like an unsalvageable situation that only transpires in popular media, the answer can be found by coming up with and enforcing clever judgments daily, readiness for any unanticipated circumstance that presents itself, and the capability to wait it out. Humans can overcome a zombie epidemic by abiding by the necessary safeguards, such as isolating oneself from others, comprehending survival practices, and assembling essential supplies. The answer to success is in the mutual agreement that even in the face of a threatening predicament, there is always a way onward if we are ready to be savvy, resourceful, and resilient.


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Chef, G, Why are survival skills important? Coastal Survival. Madhav, N., Oppenheim, B., Gallivan, M., Mulembakani, P., Rubin, E., & Wolfe, N. (2018). Pandemics: Risks, impacts, and mitigation - disease control priorities ... Pandemics: Risks, Impacts, and Mitigation. .27 April 2018.

Smith, L. N. " Survive the zombie apocalypse with skills from adventure sports. " Adventure, National Geographic,, 3 May 2021.

Staff, Z. How long do zombies last? Zombie Research Society. .23 August 2011.

Verran, J., & Crossley, M. " How to stop a zombie apocalypse – with science. " The Conversation. 10 October 2023.

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